Sunday, October 15, 2006

10.11.06 -- 8:00 PM

Here’s the routine: We wake up around 7:00 AM (I’m usually up before then—I’m back to moviemaking schedule which means about five hours of sleep a night). We load up the truck around 8:30 AM and head out around 9:00 or 9:30 AM. He walks for at least 8 hours, taking short breaks in between and sometimes stopping somewhere for lunch. Whatever point he stopped on the day before, he goes right back to that EXACT same spot. Not an inch back; not an inch farther.

Jay has an unwavering faith in destiny and believes no evil can possibly befall us seeing as we are doing good. This often leads to clashes with Lydia, our volunteer co-ordinator. She’d prefer there be a definite plan, a definite course of action, a definite route with specific stops. Jay ain’t having it. I don’t think Lydia will remain part of the team. And our lodging and shower situation will be even more tenuous.

Whenever Jay is asked by a reporter about particulars, for example when he will reach Roma, he always replies: I don’t even know where I’m sleeping tonight, much less when I’ll get to Roma.

Steve is editor of an online journal called the Rio Grande Review. He won’t be with us on a daily basis but he will walk with us from time to time.

The third team member who will be with Jay and I on a daily basis is John. I haven’t talked about John because every time I point the camera at him he ducks out of it. Seems he doesn’t trust me. But he is absolutely indispensable to our journey. He drives his truck right behind Jay like a guardian angel. He carries water and granola bars and I don’t see how this journey would be possible without him.

Benigno Pena (the gentleman who took care of our room) joined us today along with his friend:


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